German Credit Data Set Arff Download
1001 Datasets and Data repositories ( List of lists of lists ) This is a LIST of. 'lists of lists'. Messy presentation (mainly for my own use) to pull together Raw Datasets for when I'm in the mood to get creative - search text on a single page as a starting point for exploration. Later will look at better format. If you have a suggestion for a list of lists, to add to this list:) please message me or post comment.
Below are some sample datasets that have been used with Auto-WEKA. Each zip has two files, test. Dattatreya Yoga Shastra Pdf Download on this page. arff and train.arff in WEKA's native format. To use these zip files with Auto-WEKA, you need to pass them to an InstanceGenerator that will split them up into different subsets to allow for processes like cross-validation. The UCI German Dataset. The source: this data set is a public benchmark from the UCI Machine Learning Repository at the FTP Web site: (look under Statlog Project Databases). For convenience, we have downloaded the data for you locally: The description of the.